Thursday 30 July 2020

Toolkit 2 - Resubmission

Pipeline 1

Head Modelling

Parts 4, 5 & 6:

Parts 7 & 8:

Parts 9, 10 & 11:

Parts 12, 13 & 14:

Body Modelling

Parts 1 & 2:

Parts 3 & 4:

Parts 5 & 6:

UV Layouts

Parts 1 & 2:


Parts 1 & 2:

Parts 3, 4 & 5:

Parts 6 & 7:


Parts 1 & 2:

Parts 3 & 4:

Facial Rigging

Parts 1 & 2:

Parts 3, 4 & 5:

Parts 6, 7 & 8:

Parts 9 & 10:

Parts 11, 12 & 13:


Parts 1, 2 & 3:


Parts 6, 7 & 8:

Parts 9 & 10:

Parts 11, 12 & 13:

Own Model:

Original Toolkit 2 Submission

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Pipeline 1 - Texturing: Parts 1, 2 & 3

Part 1 - High/Low Res Modelling for Normal Maps

Starting with a 3 duplicates of the torso and legs
(Each renamed: High-Res, Low-Res & Default) 
Bringing back the front orthograph to help with modelling the high-res model

Added ribbing

Added front plate

Added backplate

Added straps

Add collar

Part 2 - Baking Normal Maps

Starting with the duplicated legs

Modelled knee pads

Torso normal map

Clean torso normal map

Complete low-res torso

Legs normal map

Clean leg normal map

Complete low-res legs

Part 3 - Rivets

Belt buckle imported and skinned to the pelvis

Imported and place buttons on the front of the jacket

Placed buttons on the back

Buttons on the collar

Duplicated torso once more to start creating rivet controls

Deleted unneeded geometry

Added rivets and hid red geometry

Sunday 26 July 2020

Pipeline 1 - Facial Rigging: Parts 11, 12 & 13

Part 11 - Adding a Blink

Duplicated another head as well as the corneas.

Using the corneas display handle, created new joints to make the bink movement

Skin weighted, blend shapes created, control added to the main rig

Part 12 - Brow Movement

Once again duplicated the head, this time with the eyebrows, strap and skull cap

Wrapped the geometry together and added two joints to skin with

Created "eyebrow down" position

Created "eyebrow up" position

Sorted skinning to only work on the left

Created "Angry" and "Surprised" positions

Removed original up and down positions, created flipped blend shapes for the right side

Worked in eyebrow control and now the eyebrow blend shape works with the main rig

Part 13 - Cleaning Up the Scene

Scene cleaned and ready to move onto texturing

Full body and facial rigs complete

Friday 24 July 2020

Pipeline 1 - Facial Rigging: Parts 9 & 10

Part 9 - Cheek Thinning

Duplicated head, twice with mouth open

Cheeks thinned

Thinned cheeks on the complete model

Part 10 - Adding Extra Face Movement

New duplicate head
Created joints for cheeks, nose and chin

Skinned and weighted
Controls added and modelled

Controls brought down to main model and connected in

Thursday 23 July 2020

Pipeline 1 - Facial Rigging: Parts 6, 7 & 8

Part 6 - Adding Teeth & Tongue

Imported basic teeth, tongue and gums

Modified to fit mouth

Teeth and gums connected in, tongue rigged and then also connected in

Parts 7 & 8 - Lateral Mouth Movement Parts 1 & 2

Duplicated head again and moved up

Duplicated left corner joint and attached it to the new duplicated head

Added base joint, animated wide mouth and weighted

Duplicated out movement

Created in movement and duplicated

Created up movement and duplicated

Created down movement and duplicated

Added neutral position
Created temporary inbetweens

Created proper corrective blend shapes

Created blend shapes and connected them to the bridge head

Moved the controls down to the main rig

Connected and modeled the controls
Mouth has now been fully rigged

Major - Reflective Statement

I won't lie, if I really wanted to I could make this reflective statement just be a list of every little detail that went wrong from pre...