Sunday, 28 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - Skinning: Parts 1 & 2

Part 1 - Building a Ribbon Spine

Starting NURBS plane + locators.

Part 2 - Building a Skeleton

Added locators.

Left leg bones in place.

Foot bones added and skeleton mirrored.

Complete left arm skeleton.

Hand skeleton.

Complete torso skeleton

Complete body skeleton (with added forearm and shin joints)

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - UV Layouts

Despite this section being split into two parts, I thought it'd be better to present just the final UVs here since they're much neater than the in-progress screenshots I had.

Lower Body UV map
(Boots, legs and belt loops)

Upper Body UV map
(Torso, gloves, skull cap, straps, ear caps and eyebrows)

Eyes UV map

Head UV map

Fully UV'd Jet Pack Jones

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - Body Modelling: Parts 5 & 6

Part 5 - Gloved Hands

Starting finger. (Actually started with a cube and not a cylinder)

Finger model completed, hand started.

Fingers duplicated and modified using lattice deformers.

Mostly done hand with duplicated finger to the side which will become the thumb.

Part 6 - Hands & The Final Model

Added thumb.

Completed hand.

Completed glove.

Head model imported and resized to fit.

Body Modelling Complete

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - Body Modelling: Parts 3 & 4

Part 3 - Legs & Pelvis

Leg, modelled from a cylinder.

Added pelvis.

Sculpted pelvis.

Added belt.

Added belt hoops.

Part 4 - Legs & Boots

Starting with another cylinder.

Extruded into foot.

I forgot to screencap a bunch of this process, but either way here is the finished result.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - Body Modelling: Parts 1 & 2

Part 1 - Torso Blocking

As with all modelling, start with the orthographs.

Take a cylinder and mold it into the form of the torso.

Added arm and neck holes.

Improved arm and neck holes.

Added neck.

Part 2 - Torso and Arms

Cleaned up the torso a bit.

Added arm.

Modelled arm.

Full torso model.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - Head Modelling: Parts 12, 13 & 14

Part 12 - Eyebrow Modelling

Starting with a polygon plane and modelled to the front orthograph. The eyebrow geometry is then pushed into the head so that it can be properly mapped to the head shape.

Here's the eyebrow nearly complete.

Completed eyebrows.

Part 13 - Skull Cap Modelling

Starting with a plane and extruding round the head to create the rim of the skull cap.

Doing a very similar thing to create the back of the skull cap.

Added ear muff thing.

Part 14 - Snagging List

Merged straps together, added full skull cap, named everything and optimised the scene.

JetPack Jones Head Model = Complete

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Pipeline 1 - Head Modelling: Parts 9, 10 & 11

Part 9 - Sculpting & Clean Up

Edits made to the forehead, nose ridge and mouth corner.

Part 10 - Modelling Detailed Eyes

Newly modelled eye (with cornea)

Without Cornea

Part 11 - Throat Modelling

In the tutorial, Alan sets the viewport renderer to "Legacy" in order to be able to view the inside geometry easier, however for some reason I do not have this option, so instead I reversed the normals to make it easier to see.

Added lip interior.

I forgot to screenshot the cylinder, but basically the throat is created by modelling a cylinder and merging it with the rest of the model. 

Major - Reflective Statement

I won't lie, if I really wanted to I could make this reflective statement just be a list of every little detail that went wrong from pre...