Tuesday 2 October 2018

Digital Painting Session 3

For this session Simon showed us how to import and use new brushes. He also showed us how to create our own.

Most of this page was just me playing around various brushes and the polygonal lasso tool. The nature setting at the top was created using only brushes that Simon had given us to experiment with. The domes in the picture below were created with a brush I made myself.
Simon also showed us how to use the custom shape tool. Unfortunately, he never showed up how to make our own shapes. Hopefully he might cover this in a later session, or I'll figure it out myself later.

He also covered perspective with us. I generally already know about the different points of perspective, but it was nice having someone cover it in more depth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terry, I suggest adjusting the entire width of your blog so that when you upload large images they don't bleed into other areas such as the blog archive, have a play around by going to - theme - customise :)


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