Friday 29 May 2020

Toolkit 2 - Reflective Statement

Overall Toolkit 2 went decent at best for me, I started each of the main components but only completed a few of them.

Excluding my issues with mental health and the lockdown (which I address in my premise reflective statement), my biggest issue this year has been the same issue from last year, my time management.

Life Drawing

I enjoyed Life Drawing, it was a nice, peaceful hour to recompose myself before moving on with main projects. Whether it was due to lockdown or not, I can't remember, but it certainly was a shame that we ran out of sessions.

Character Design

I did learn quite a bit from these lessons, not that it showed in my rushed final character bible. I was planning on reworking and finishing it, but I ran out of time.

In Lesson Animation

I think I could do with a bit more practice with moom. Preferably on an actual computer and not my MacBook, I found the "acting animation" incredibly difficult to do from home and lagged behind quite a bit. I did enjoy the lip syncing however.

Lighting and Rendering

Short and mostly easy tutorials that I had no issue doing, yet I didn't get through them all. With Mudbox's files being difficult to use on my MacBook and being genuinely concerned if rendering would even work properly, I didn't particularly want to do these tutorials at home, which obviously is now my only option.


Not completing all the mudbox files is honestly just poor time management on my part. Granted I did have issue with Mudbox's files on my MacBook (Specifically I have no idea where they are, Apple has a tendency to hide these things), but generally I can work my way through the tutorials, I just ran out of time. Even though I know it won't be graded I will try to complete this over the summer.

Pipeline 1

Easily the most important thing I should have done and yet here I am with next to nothing to show. I had quite a bad mindset when it came to Jetpack Jones, I was always thinking along the lines of "I've got time, I'll do it later" and when deadline came around, realisation came crashing down on my like a ton of bricks. Despite not having much completed now, I will be completing it before the start of next year, as I know how important it is to learning how to create characters; and with how my premise looks currently I have five characters I need to make, so the quicker I get on with pipeline 1, the better.

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