Monday 13 May 2019

Toolkit 1 Submission - Animation

Reflective Statement
My work ethic for animation has been abysmal really. With everything else taking priority, I pushed animation to the bottom of the pile and barely anything was completed, in addition to me being slow during class, which meant that I really had finished work even then. I couldn't even get the showreel to a minute. I am far from pleased with my work here.

Animator Reviews
Lotte Reiniger
Don Hertzfeldt

Uploaded Sessions
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8

Apprently the music (which was used for the after effects test) I left in the video has been copyright claimed, so I have no idea if the video is even playable. So I've got an alternate silent version here.

Toolkit 1 Submission - Maya Tutorials

Reflective Statement
Even since the start of the year, I've been kinda behind on the Maya tutorials. This isn't to say that I didn't do the work in lesson, I did. It's just with the time constraints and the amount of work from the main projects Maya got pushed to the back slightly. Other than that, the other issue is Maya itself. Specifically its constant crashing. But I'm actually quite pleased with how much I've learnt with Maya over the last year and I am quite excited to go further into the programme.

Maya Tutorials Label

Introduction (Lego Car)
Digital Set (Chicken Coop)
Camera Movements
Animation Principles
Hard Surface Modelling (Scooter)
Organic Modelling (Alien)
Biped Rig

Toolkit 1 - Maya: Biped Rig

Unfortunately I never finished this, but Fantastic Voyage was running at the same time and all of my focus went to that. I'll definitely finish this at some point as I am aware how important rigging actually is.

Toolkit 1 - Maya: Organic Modelling

Unfortunately, I never finished this. I did have a version with a fully modeled tongue and teeth, but it crashed before I remembered to save. If I have any time left, I'll finish it.


I found the version with teeth and tongue. Still haven't finished the eye though.

Toolkit 1 - Maya: Hard Surface Modelling

Finished Model

Toolkit 1 - Maya: Animation Principles

Types of Animation

Keyframe Animation

Motion Paths

MEL Scripting

Dynamic Simulation

Animation Principles

Settle & Rest

Secondary Action & Overlap

Squash & Stretch

Anticipation & Follow Through

Rotation & Travel

Walk Cycle

Toolkit 1 - Maya: Camera Movements

Panning Shot

Roll Shot

Pitch Shot

Dolly Shot

Crane Shot

Distance Shot


Camera Shake

Contra Zoom

Toolkit 1 - Maya: Digital Set

For this mini project we were tasked with following both Simon's lessons and Alan's tutorials to create a farm scene.
This project was used to teach us modeling techniques and the basics of UV mapping.
It was also an exercise in Photoshop

Toolkit 1 Submission - Life Drawing

Reflective Statement
Not going to lie, I thoroughly enjoyed life drawing. I was unsure of it at first but it later became a way for me to relax slightly later into the year. I think my work also shows clear improvement over the year, which I am quite proud of. I believe it shows a clear building of confidence in my ability to draw. Obviously there is much more improvement to be done, but I think that my work here is a very good start.

Links to all Life Drawing Blogger pages (for large pictures):
Life Drawing Label
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Session 11
Session 12
Session 13
Session 14
Session 15
Session 16

Thursday 9 May 2019

Fantastic Voyage - Final Animation

Fantastic Voyage - Art of

Fantastic Voyage - Scene Pipelines

England, 1831 - Wireframe

England, 1831 - Ambient Occlusion 

England, 1831 - UV Map

England, 1831 - Final Render

HMS Beagle - Wireframe

HMS Beagle - Ambient Occlusion

HMS Beagle - UV Map

HMS Beagle - Final Render

Trip around the Globe - Wireframe

Trip Around the Globe - Ambient Occlusion

Trip Around the Globe - UV Map

Trip Around the Globe - Final Render

Galapagos Islands - Wireframe

Galapagos Islands - Ambient Occlusion

Galapagos Islands - UV Map

Galapagos Islands - Final Render

Finch Haven - Wireframe

Finch Haven - Ambient Occlusion

Finch Haven - UV Map

Finch Haven - Final Render

Fantastic Voyage - Concept Art

Pre-Victorian England

HMS Beagle

Trip around the Globe

Galapagos Islands

Finch Haven

Monday 6 May 2019

Fantastic Voyage - Modeling #1

I thought I had already posted this, but it turns out it's been sitting in drafts. Whoops.

Planet Earth

HMS Beagle

(Wildlife, Landscape, Darwin, Galapagos)

Friday 3 May 2019

Fantastic Voyage - Modeling #2

Ok, so I probably shouldn't have waited to finish everything first before uploading, but that's what I've done. Anyway, here's all my remaining models:

Young Man Darwin
Old Man Darwin
On the Origin of Species
Victorian Lamp Post
HMS Beagle
Tortoise Shell 
Galapagos Island

Finch Haven
Original Finch
Original Finch (Thin Beak)
Original Finch (Thick Beak)
Small Insectivorous Tree Finch
Small Ground Finch
Vegetarian Tree Finch
Large Insectivorous Tree Finch
Medium Ground Finch
Large Ground Finch
Large Ground Finch (Thin Beak)
Woodpecker Finch
Warbler Finch
Cactus Ground Finch

Major - Reflective Statement

I won't lie, if I really wanted to I could make this reflective statement just be a list of every little detail that went wrong from pre...