Friday 11 October 2019

Life Drawing - Session 1

To start this new set of life drawing lessons Simon had assembled a structure made out of random materials he had found in the middle of the art space.
Honestly, I really like still life, so I was quite happy to start (until Simon told us that we couldn't use our sketch books.)
The main lesson from this session was learning to draw with your entire arm, rather than just your wrist, so we had to you the big pieces of paper.

Drawing 1

For this drawing we had to move around. The task was simple, start a drawing, after a short amount of time, move over to the canvas next to you and continue their drawing. This repeated for a while.
This is the drawing that I started, but in my opinion it came out a bit of a shambles. This is a very messy page.

Drawing 2

For drawing 2, we had to draw the negative space, effectively meaning that we were just drawing a silhouette.

Drawing 3

For this drawing, Simon asked us to use charcoal and focus on lighting. 

Drawing 4

For our final drawing of the day, we had to focus closely on a small section of the cloth draped over the thing in the middle.

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