Sunday 12 January 2020

Premise - Ideas

So recently I had my first tutorial with Alan and I can't say it went as I had hoped. I went in with 4 ideas, but no clear goal, which Alan called me out on. I struggle with actually articulating what it is I'm talking about and it wasn't helped by my lack of any actual motive, or so I thought.

Alan pointed out that I clearly like storytelling, which isn't wrong I just never thought about it being my driving force.
So with that bit of therapy out of the way, here's my ideas that I presented to Alan and the conclusions we came to.

Idea 1 - "The Pit"

This idea was supposed to be a self reflective piece, featuring an avatar of me being stuck in a massive and deep hole. The story was to follow my avatar as they attempt to climb out of the pit, constantly falling or getting pushed back down.
Alan ultimately shut this idea down on the grounds that I need to focus my efforts on external factors rather than internal. I feel like this may be the best choice for my mental health.

Idea 2 - "Time Travel Skits"

This idea was a silly one. The premise is that someone finds an hourglass in their flat, which that pick up and it then sends them back in time. The story would then jump around time a little bit, first to the roman empire, then to the jurassic period and lastly travelling to the future before return back to the modern day.
This idea on its own isn't good enough, but it was the idea that can be twisted into something better, which i'll get back to in a minute.

Idea 3 - "Dinosaurs"

I like dinosaurs, so one of my ideas was to make a short story about young Iguanodon trying to find its herd. I also had an alternate idea which was to have a clearing in the middle of a forest and have various dinosaurs running through it.
Alan suggested that these ideas are overdone and uninspired, which is fair criticism.

Idea 4 - "Project Droppod" 

"Project Droppod" is a story I've been working on since 2012. When I suggested to idea to Alan, he shot it down immediately on the grounds of it being too big, which isn't wrong. I was thinking of possibly creating a trailer for it or something along those lines, but thinking back to the tutorial, Alan had me try to explain the story in one sentence, which I couldn't,  so this idea just simply is too big to work for this project. Not that it matters anyway, it started as a personal project and will most likely stay a personal project.

Idea 5

During tutorial, Alan asked why I created the time travel idea. I answered that it was really just an excuse to use more dinosaurs. Following this Alan suggested that I make a kind of children's education animation, using the time travel gimmick. Alan suggested I look at Dora the Explorer and Mr. Peabody and Sherman as inspiration, however since I'm not particularly the biggest fan of children's television, I decided instead to think back to my own childhood. Back when I was at school there was a show called Deadly 60. The show followed an animal expert as he travelled the globe finding and then ranking some of the worlds most dangerous animals. I thought of using this premise but for dinosaurs, which then reminded me of the Walking with Dinosaurs Specials with Nigel Marvin.
So my current idea is a parody of Walking with Dinosaurs Specials and Deadly 60. An adventurer and a camera-operator travel back in time to rank the most dangerous dinosaurs, however the adventurer is an idiot that knows next to nothing about dinosaurs, resulting in arguments with the camera about the small, feathered velociraptor that just wandered into frame.

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