Friday 1 March 2019

Contexts OGR

Essay OGR by on Scribd

OGR Proforma by on Scribd

1 comment:

  1. OGR 02/03/2019

    Hi Terry - I think you need to spend more time discussing consumerism etc before getting into the Wall-e specific stuff; your structure suggests that you'll achieve all of this in a single paragraph, but I think that's unlikely - likewise dealing with 'over-consumption' in a single paragraph. I think you're at risk otherwise of running out of things to say about the film apart from 'we trashed the world because of over-consumption': it feels to me you need to deal much more rigorously and academically with 'consumerism' - your research proforma suggests you've haven't given this foundational knowledge enough of your time and curiosity... 2 sources... Hmmmmm. No wonder you're struggling a bit to say anything meaningful about the film. You'll remember we looked at Vance Packard when we were looking at Edward Scissorhands...? I think you're missing that basic principle of 1) identifying a theoretical framework and then 2) applying it to your case-study.

    So - Vance Packard: The Hidden Persuaders / The Waste Makers*

    *You'll need to look at the concept of planned obsolescence - look at the key names/booklists here - (See how much there is to say/discover/express on just this one small facet of consumerism!)

    I also think it would be super-useful for you to look at the book No Logo by Naomi Klein, who critiques branding and globalisation, which I think you'll find helpful in terms of contextualising/criticising the B&L company in the film.

    Short version, Terry - you don't know enough about your subject yet and it means that you're getting into the specificity of your film too soon and giving too little time to grounding the whole debate in terms of key terms, key writers and key ideas - and I just have the feeling that you're not taking your research duties seriously yet - and you need to if you're going to meet the assessment criteria adequately... Get a wriggle on!


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