Tuesday 17 December 2019

Character Design - Sessions 8 & 9

Session 8

Session 8 was all about perspective and animation layouts. I didn't get very much done in the lesson itself as I spent most of it trying to understand perspective, which is something I find very difficult to do in 2D.

So my perspective art and my animation layouts were done outside if lesson, on photoshop.

Perspective Concept Art

Perspective Concept Art (With perspective and horizon lines)

Animation Layout

Session 9

Session 9 started with Justin giving us a category and we had to design logos for an organisation of that category. I was given spies.
A bunch of different logo designs for Spy Corp.

Our next task was to create a movie poster for a film of our choosing. I decided to draw a poster for Shin Godzilla. With most of these drawings I was trying to show the sheer size and power of Godzilla.

This one is a redrawing of the original movie poster.

After the break we continued with our character projects, for one last time before the break.
I decided to start on a character expression sheet for my main character. Faces 1, 2 & 3 work well, but face 4 looks a bit too manic. I'm thinking of naming the character Robin, after both Robin Hood (As he is an archer) and Sir Robin from Monty Python & the Holy Grail (As they are both cowards).

I also began on an expression sheet for the crow.

Since you can't see the knights face, an expression sheet seems pointless; so I started a gesture sheet.

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